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使用强大的音乐家工具搭建您的音乐网站,将您的音乐传播到全世界。SITE123 音乐家工具提供了许多特色功能。立即尝试!



想象一下,如果您能与粉丝和朋友分享您的音乐文件会怎样?管理您的音乐,为快速访问创建播放列表,以及将文件上传到您的网站上呢? 这一切都可以通过 SITE123 的文件共享功能轻松实现,您的粉丝可以轻松访问您的网站并下载音乐文件。


既然您的演出已经安排好,巡回演出也已计划好了,那么现在是时候公布演出的日期和地点了!您需要发布您的巡演日期,并让您的粉丝知道您将在何时何地演出。使用 SITE123 的活动工具,您还可以出售音乐会和演出的门票。今天就轻松开始您的音乐网站之旅。





Add Your Images

In a few minutes, you can provide your fans and site visitors with snippets of your latest show, a sample of the new album or the photos of the event where you launched your new album - in a very compelling way.

Bandsintown Integration

BANDSINTOWN offers the option for your visitors to share your events with friends on Facebook and Twitter and see who else will attend it. It is an easy and efficient way to buy tickets and it is useful for showing popular and recommended bands. The good thing here is that you can take advantage of all the features Bandsintown has to offer by simply integrating it to your website on SITE123.

Soundcloud Integration

Soundcloud allows you to host and share files with no size limits. For simplicity, speed and sound quality, the tool is ideal for bands and artists who are early in their career and want to distribute their music over the internet. The best part here is that you can easily integrate Soundcloud to your free music sites on SITE123 and make it easier for your fans and visitors to get to know your music or hear new songs by you.

Sell Your Music and Merchandise

Have you recently released an album, a concert DVD or promotional items? Show those offers on your website! Or offer them for direct purchase. Using a product catalog, which you can imagine as an online mini-store, all that can be easily published on the web through your site. Visitors and fans will be able to simply view the offer, see what they are most interested in, and complete the purchase. On your website, the additional items will always be available to fans who are looking for one of your products.


不要再等了, 今天就开始创建你的网站吧! 创建网站

今天已经有超过US 个国家的 1862 个SITE123网站被创建!